
羊口疮病毒干预宿主细胞泛素-蛋白酶体系统的分子机制 被引量:1

Molecular Mechanism of ORFV Intervention Strategies Based on the UPS of Host Cell:A Review
摘要 羊口疮病毒(Orf virus,ORFV)感染细胞过程中为了对抗宿主细胞的抗病毒作用,依靠种群长期培育的一系列功能性基因,如干扰素抗性基因、Bcl-2样基因和细胞周期蛋白抑制物基因等,遏制宿主细胞免疫清除和免疫调节作用。同时,ORFV也利用某种机制干预细胞泛素-蛋白酶体系统(Ubiquitin-proteasome system,UPS)的信号调控途径,有效抑制胞内信号传导和CD8+T细胞活化,以庇护病毒粒子成熟和释放。本文综述了细胞UPS功能与病毒干预机制的内在联系及其相关元件的关键作用,探讨ORFV在选择压力下,主动采取的抑制宿主细胞免疫应答和设计胞内免疫逃逸的进化趋势。 In order to compete the antiviral effects of the host cell in the process of infection, ORFV(known as Orf virus) relies on a series of functional genes developed through long-term population evolution, such as interferon resistance genes, Bcl-2 protein genes and cell cycle inhibitor gene and so on, with these weap- ons this virus is able to effectively counteract immune clearance and immune regulation from a host cell. Concurrently, ORFV also focuses on exploiting signal transduction pathways of the ubiquitin-proteasome system(UPS), circumvents the intracellular signal transduction and CDS+T activation, for shielding virus particles towards maturation and releasing outside. This review introduced inner link between the UPS of host cell and intervention mechanism by virus, and analyzed the key roles of certains components in UPS, these all together showed the evolution tendency of ORFV that was involved in the designing of inhibition to immune response and for intracellular immune escape upon the selection pressure in host cell infected.
出处 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期662-666,共5页 Chinese Journal of Virology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31172353) 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项--转基因羊抗病及生物安全检测(2009ZX08010-020B) 黑龙江省教育厅科研项目(1155132)
关键词 羊口疮病毒 宿主细胞 UPS 病毒性干预 分子机制 Orf virus Host cells UPS Viral intervention Molecular mechanism
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