
复杂工业系统运行优化品质分析-平方影响度原理(英文) 被引量:1

Performance Analysis for Operational Optimal Control for Complex Industrial Processes-the Square Impact Principle
摘要 复杂工业系统运行控制由两个层次完成,即回路控制层和运行控制层。前者完成沿生产线方向各生产单元的回路控制,而后者完成各回路控制的设定值优化,通过使被控变量跟踪其设定值来优化生产性能指标(如产品质量和能耗)。给出一种新的分析运行优化控制品质的方法,该方法在回路跟踪误差较小时可以定量描述回路跟踪误差对优化品质的影响,并证明了优化指标的恶化和回路跟踪误差的平方成正比的现象,进而获得了关于回路控制对运行优化品质影响的《平方影响度》原理。此外,也证明了生产结构对优化指标的影响。根据这一原理,提出了运行优化控制品质分析的平滑鲁棒性定义和如何定量修正回路设定值的方法,以改善实际优化效果。 The operation control for complex industrial processes consists of two layerloop control layer and operational control layer. The former aims at achieving the required loop control for each production unit along production line whilst the later optimizes the setpoints to the control loops so that certain per formance indexes( such as product quality and energy cost)is optimized when the closed loop controlled variables follow their setpoints well. It presents a novel method that can be used to analyze the per formance deterioration of the optimized operational control, where the impact of tracking errors of loop control to the optimized performance is quantitatively formulated when the tracking errors are small. It has been shown that loop tracking errors would generally deteriorate the optimized performance in a quadratic way leading to the establishment of the square impact principle(SIP). Moreover, it has been shown that the production infrastructure will also "affect the deterioration of the optimized performance. Formulation on the analysis on the fiat robustness(FR) and randoraness of the optimized performance in dexes will also be made and several issues on the future studies are [~sted.
作者 王爱平 王宏
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期991-995,共5页 Control Engineering of China
基金 NSFC(61374128,61333007,61290323)
关键词 复杂工业系统 运行优化控制 随机分布控制 优化品质分析 平滑鲁棒性 平方影响度 complex industrial processes operational optimal control stochastic distribution control optimal performance analysis flat robustness(FR) square impact principle(SIP)
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