
中国英语二语博士论文和英美博士论文中的批判性立场和评鉴——评鉴动词和情态动词实证对比研究 被引量:4

Critical stance and evaluation in Chinese ESL and Anglo-American PhD dissertations——An empirical and contrastive study of evaluative verbs and modal verbs
摘要 本文采用Hyland"学科亲缘"和"个体定位"理念,自建DISCORPUS语料库,对中国英语二语博士论文和英美博士论文中的评鉴动词和情态动词进行实证对比研究。研究结果表明博士生在评鉴动词和情态动词的使用表现出显著的学科专有性和文化专有性:(1)英语语言文学学科选择了多样化的评鉴动词和情态动词;(2)英美博士生偏爱评鉴动词claim、assume,而中国博士生过度使用情态动词can、may、should;(3)与Hyland参照语料库学科专家相比,中国博士生较少使用评鉴动词suggest、assume、argue、disagree。研究结论可为ESL/EAP/EFL/EIL写作教学提供启示。 An empirical and contrastive research has been conducted through adopting Hyland' s concepts of Proximity and Positioning for the purpose of explaining the discrepancies and similarities in Chinese L2 and Anglo-American PhD students' use of evaluative verbs and modal verbs in DISCORPUS, a personally-assembled corpus. The research findings show that there is significant disciplinary and cultural specificity in the PhD students' use of evaluative verbs and modal verbs : ( 1 ) ELL has a wide variety of choices of the evaluative verbs and modal verbs; (2) The Anglo-American PhD students prefer claim and assume whereas Chinese PhD students overuse the modals can, may and should; (3) In comparison to disciplinary experts in Hyland Corpus, the Chinese PhD students underuse the evaluative verbs suggest, assume, argue and disagree. The research results found inform ESL/EAP/EFL/EIL pedagogy and facilitate leaming.
作者 董艳
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期85-92,共8页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(编号:13YJC740016) 山西省哲学社会科学项目(编号:2012241) 山西省留学基金项目(编号:2011-083)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 批判性立场和评鉴 评鉴动词 情态动词 实证对比研究 critical stance and evaluation, evaluative verbs, modal verbs, empirical and contrastive study
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