
不同完美主义类型大学生的心理特征 被引量:13

Psychological characteristics in college students with different types of perfectionism
摘要 目的:对大学生完美主义类型进行分类,并比较不同类型的心理特征。方法:在湖南省某高校选取大学生261名,完成Frost多维完美主义量表(FMPS)、Hewitt多维完美主义量表(HMPS)、近乎完美主义量表修订版(APS-R)、自尊量表(SES)、正性负性情绪量表(PANAS)、状态焦虑问卷(SAT)和贝克抑郁问卷(BDI)。结果:FM PS、HM PS和APS-R三个完美主义量表,提取出适应不良完美和适应完美二阶因子。以二阶因子为划分尺度,通过聚类分析,将大学生分为适应完美主义者(n=74)、适应不良完美主义者(n=97)和非完美主义者(n=90)。非完美主义者在适应不良完美和适应完美维度得分均低于适应完美主义者和适应不良完美主义者[(109.9±15.5)vs.(114.5±10.8),(145.8±12.6);(92.3±10.6)vs.(120.5±10.9),(120.2±16.2);均P<0.05];适应不良完美主义者在适应不良完美主义维度得分高于适应完美主义者[(145.8±12.6)vs.(114.5±10.8),P<0.05];适应完美主义者在适应完美主义维度得分与适应不良完美主义者差异无统计学意义[(120.2±16.2)vs.(120.5±10.9),P>0.05]。适应完美主义者SES和PANAS的正性情绪得分均高于适应不良完美主义者得分[(29.8±2.9)vs.(27.1±2.8),(3.4±0.4)vs.(3.1±0.6),均P<0.001],而负性情绪、S-AT和BDI得分均低于适应不良完美主义者得分[(2.1±0.6)vs.(2.5±0.7),(1.9±0.4)vs.(2.2±0.4),(7.6±6.2)vs.(11.8±7.2),均P<0.001];非完美主义者的SES(28.9±2.3)和正性情绪(3.2±0.5)得分介于适应完美主义者和适应不良完美主义者得分之间(均P<0.05),负性情绪、S-AT、BDI得分均低于适应不良完美主义者得分[(2.1±0.6)vs.(2.5±0.7),(1.9±0.4)vs.(2.2±0.4),(6.5±4.7)vs.(11.8±7.2),均P<0.001]。结论:大学生存在适应完美主义者、适应不良完美主义者和非完美主义者三类群体,适应完美主义者心理健康水平最高,适应不良完美主义者心理健康水平最低,非完美主义者介于两者之间。 Objective:To examine the classification of perfectionism in college students and compare different types on psychological characteristics.Methods:Totally 261 college students were selected and asked to complete the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS),Hewitt Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (HMPS),Slaney Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R),Self-esteem Scale (SES),Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PA-NAS),State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).Results:Cluster analysis were used to identify adaptive (n =74),maladaptive perfectionists (n =97) and nonperfectionists (n =90) based on maladaptive and adaptive dimensions of three perfectionism scales'second order factors.Nonperfectionists had significantly lower scores on maladaptive perfectionism and adaptive perfectionism than adaptive perfectionists and maladaptive perfectionists [(109.9 ± 15.5) vs.(114.5 ± 10.8),(145.8 ± 12.6) ; (92.3 ± 10.6) vs.(120.5 ± 10.9),(120.2 ± 16.2),Ps 〈0.05].Maladaptive perfectionists had higher scores on maladaptive perfectionism than adaptive perfectionists [(145.8 ± 12.6) vs.(114.5 ± 10.8),P 〈 0.05].There were no differences in adaptive perfectionism scores between adaptive perfectionists and maladaptive perfectionists [(120.2 ± 16.2) vs.(120.5 ± 10.9),P 〉0.05].Adaptive perfectionists had higher scores of SES and PANAS positive affect than maladaptive perfectionists [(29.8 ±2.9) vs.(27.1 ±2.8),(3.4 ±0.4) vs.(3.1 ±0.6),Ps 〈0.001],whereas adaptive perfectionists had lower scores of PANAS negative affect,S-AT and BDI than maladaptive perfectionists [(2.1 ± 0.6) vs.(2.5 ± 0.7),(1.9 ±0.4) vs.(2.2 ±0.4),(7.6 ± 6.2) vs.(11.8 ± 7.2),Ps 〈 0.001].Nonperfectionists' scores of SES (28.9 ± 2.3)and PANAS positive affect (3.2 ±0.5) were between adaptive perfectionists'and maladaptive perfectionists'(P 〈0.05).Nonperfectionists had lower scores of PANAS negative affect,S-AT and BDI than maladaptive perfectionists [(2.1±0.6) vs.(2.5 ±0.7),(1.9 ±0.4) vs.(2.2 ±0.4),(6.5 ±4.7) vs.(11.8 ±7.2),Ps 〈 0.001]Conclusion:It suggests that college students should be classified into adaptive,maladaptive perfectionists and nonperfectionists.Adaptive perfectionists are the best while maladaptive perfectionists are the worst mental health of all the three clusters.The mental health level of nonperfectionists may be between adaptive perfectionists and maladaptive perfectionists.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期868-872,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目(12YBA244) 高校思想政治教育研究课题(13B08) 湖南省教育厅科学研究青年项目(12B095) 湖南省情与决策咨询课题(2013ZZ3) 湖南中医药大学"中医心理学"校级重点学科建设经费资助(校行科字2012年2号)
关键词 完美主义 心理特征 聚类分析 横断面研究 perfectionism characteristics of mental variable clusters analyses cross-sectional study
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