
软模板法合成具有优异染料吸附性能的超微孔炭材料 被引量:2

Soft Template Route for Synthesis of Super-microporous Carbons with Excellent Adsorption Property for Organic Dye
摘要 以小分子炭氟表面活性剂[FSOCF3CF2CF2CF2CF2-(CH2CH2O)10](FSO)为超微孔模板剂,通过酚醛预聚物和FSO间的氢键自组装作用实现其分子间的自组装,经过水热处理和高温炭化合成超微孔炭材料,并对其进行X射线衍射(XRD)测试、氮气吸附测试和液相吸附性能测试.结果表明:该超微孔炭材料的孔结构有一定的规则性;比表面积为600m2/g,且孔径分布在超微孔范围(1.2nm);对有机染料(罗丹明B)的最大吸附容量为120mg/g. Supermicroporous carbon with stable network has been successfully synthesized by the self assembly of carbon-fluorine surfactant [FSOCF3CF2CF2CF2CF2-(CH2CH2O)10] (FSO) with resol under high temperature hydrothermal conditions.After the carbonization of the sample at a high tempreture,which results in the shrinkage of the network,the small mesopore size carbon in the range of supermicroporous was obtained.XRD patterns show that the sample exhibits a certain order.N2 isotherm shows that the sample has a large BET surface area (600 m^2/g) and obviously supermieropore (1.2 nm).Adsorption test shows that the resulted sample shows much better adsorption properties and a good recyclability,and the maximal adsorption capacity of organic dye RhB is 120 mg/g.
出处 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1173-1176,共4页 Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:21203122) 高等学校博士后基金(批准号:2012M520062) 绍兴市科技局公益项目(批准号:2012B70018)
关键词 超微孔材料 水热合成 炭材料 吸附 自组装 supermicroporous materials hydrothermal synthesis carbon based material adsorption self-assembly
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