目的调查普陀区育龄期妇女阴道炎感染的现状并分析其危险因素,为其临床防治提供依据。方法选择2011年1月-2012年6月来普陀区第二人民医院就诊的1 301例阴道炎患者为调查对象,并选择同期来本院就诊的年龄相匹配的1 301例未患有阴道炎的育龄期妇女作为对照组。比较分析与阴道炎感染发生有关的危险因素。结果 1 301例育龄期阴道炎患者中病原体感染以白色念珠菌最高,达29.3%,年龄>25岁、性伴侣数量≥2个、从不使用避孕套避孕、人工流产次数≥2次、分娩次数≥2次为阴道炎感染发生的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论应进一步加强健康教育和预防保健知识的宣教,推广普及阴道炎防治知识,定期开展普查,做到早发现、早治疗,从源头上避免阴道炎感染的发生。
Objective To investigate the infection status and the risk factors of vaginitis in women of childbearing age,and provide evidence for clinical prevention and treatment.Methods A total of 1,301 women of childbearing age suffered from vaginitis consulted in the Second People's Hospital of Putuo District from January 2011 to June 2012 were served as the research subjects,and 1,301 age-matched women without vnginitis were simultaneously considered to be in the control group.The risk factors related to vaginitis were comparatively analyzed.Results Candida albicans was the most common pathogen among 1,301 patients with vaginitis,accounted for 29.3%.The risk factors influencing the incidence of vaginitis were as follows:> 25 years of age,having two or more sex partners,never using condoms for contraception,suffering from two or more induced abortions,and having two or more deliveries (P < 0.05).Conclusions It is necessary to further enhance health education and preventive health care knowledge propaganda,popularize vaginitis prevention knowledge,and regularly carry out reconnaissance so as to achieve early discovery and early treatment and prevent vaginitis from the source.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Women of childbearing age
Risk factor