
组织领导力成熟度模型及其空间测度模型 被引量:2

Organization Leadership Maturity Model and Its Space Measurement Model
摘要 基于组织领导力和成熟度两个范畴,提出了组织领导力成熟度范畴,构建了与之相关的组织领导力成熟度模型以及以其为基点的组织领导力成熟度空间测度模型,并对它们在愿景导向、团队建设和组织支持评估方面的运用进行了验证性分析。 Based on the two categories,namely organization leadership and maturity,this paper puts forward the category of organization leader- ship maturity, and builds the organization leadership maturity model and its space measurement model. Then it makes the verification analysis on the vision-oriented, team building and organizational support.
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2013年第11期119-126,共8页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"基于整体薪酬范畴的教师和公务员薪酬比较研究"(09YJA630068)
关键词 组织领导力 成熟度 愿景导向 团队建设 组织支持 organization leadership maturity vision-oriented team building organizational support
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