
基于对比分析假说的汉语声母习得难易度分析——以英语为基底语的学习者为例 被引量:2

Analysis of Difficulties in Learning Chinese Initial Consonants Based on the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis:A Case Study of Chinese Learners with an English Background
摘要 根据对比分析假说,目标语语音学习通常会受到基底语语音符号系统和发音习惯的双重影响。目标语语音学习的难易度不仅取决于发音的难易度,也受制于语音符号辨识的难易度。对于英语背景的汉语学习者而言,其声母学习在发音、识读音、记音方面都会受到英语辅音的影响。通过详细对比英语辅音系统和汉语声母系统的异同,我们基本可以确定汉语21个辅音声母在这3个层面上的难易梯度。在实际教学中,教师可以根据不同声母的难度值,积极调动基底语的正迁移,合理利用英语辅音系统来辅助汉语声母教学,从而有效降低英语背景者学习汉语声母的难度,使之能够全面、准确地掌握汉语声母。 According to the contrastive analysis hypothesis, the phonetics of the target language is influenced by the base-language's phonetic sign system and pronunciation habits. The degree of difficulty of learning the target-language phonetics is not only depended on the pronunciation and also the identification of phonetic signs. For Chinese learners with an English background, their learning of Chinese initial consonants is under the influence of English consonants in terms of pronunciation, general pronunciation and note pronunciation. This research identifies the levels of difficulty of 21 Chinese initial consonants at the above-mentioned three levels through a comparison of English consonants with Chinese initial consonants. The difficulty of learning Chinese initial consonants can be reduced and the Chinese initial consonants can be mastered according to the difficulty level and the posi- tive transfer of the base language.
作者 刘振平
出处 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2013年第6期43-51,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching & Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Edition)
关键词 英语背景汉语学习者 声母学习 对比分析假说 Chinese learners with an English background learning of initial consonants contrastive analysis hypothesis
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