
报春苣苔属植物钙形态多样性 被引量:11

Diversity of calcium speciation in leaves of Primulina species(Gesneriaceae)
摘要 报春苣苔属(Primulina)是我国喀斯特植物的一个重要类群,该属植物的地理分布具有高度的土壤专一性,绝大多数物种仅分布在石灰岩基岩土壤,还有一些仅分布在丹霞地貌土壤或砂页岩基岩土壤。喀斯特石灰岩地区是报春苣苔属植物的分布中心,该区域土壤中性偏碱,钙含量很高。为探讨报春苣苔属植物钙形态组成及其多样性,我们以来自我国华南喀斯特地区5个石灰岩钙质土壤、4个丹霞地貌土壤、6个砂页岩酸性土壤共15个居群的11种报春苣苔属植物为对象,通过同质园实验(common garden experiment)检测了来源于不同基岩土壤的报春苣苔属植物叶片钙形态的组成和含量,分析了该属植物叶片中钙的主要存在方式,并对物种之间以及不同基岩土壤同一物种叶片钙形态差异做了比较。研究结果显示:报春苣苔属植物叶片普遍具有较高的钙富集能力,来源于石灰岩钙质土壤的植物叶片总钙平均含量高达2,285.6 mg/kg,砂页岩酸性土壤植物为1,379.3 mg/kg,丹霞地貌土壤植物为1,329.1 mg/kg,石灰岩钙质土壤植物显著高于丹霞地貌和砂页岩酸性土壤植物(P<0.05)。多数物种植物叶片钙形态主要以果胶酸钙(514.8–1,148.7 mg/kg)的形式存在,占叶片总钙含量的31.6–64.2%;然而线叶报春苣苔(Primulina linearifolia)和药用报春苣苔(P.medica)叶片中水溶性钙含量最多,约占叶片总钙含量的40%,表明报春苣苔属植物叶片钙形态组成在物种之间具有多样性。同一物种植物叶片中不同形态钙含量以及物种间钙形态含量差异都达到显著水平(P<0.05)。另外,不同基岩土壤分布的蚂蝗七(P.fimbrisepala)和烟叶报春苣苔(P.heterotricha)叶片总钙含量差异不大,但各种钙形态的含量存在差异,说明报春苣苔属植物叶片钙形态在种内也具有多样性,这些结果为深入研究报春苣苔属植物对喀斯特土壤生境的适应性机制奠定了基础。 Primulina is a genus containing typical "stone plants" or "cave plants" that show a high degree of edaphic specialization in the karst limestone regions of southwest China. Most species of the genus occur only on calcareous soils developed from carbonate bedrock, while a few species are found only on the red soil developed from the Danxia landform or acidic soil developed from sandshale bedrock. The aim of this study is to investigate the diversity and characteristics of calcium absorption and storage in Primulina from different soil substrates. Calcium in leaves was determined for plants sampled from 15 populations repre- senting 11 Primulina species occurring on calcareous soil, red soil or acid soil. We analyzed the main types of calcium found in leaves, and compared the calcium content within and among species from different soil types. The results revealed a general high level of leaf calcium content in Primulina species compared with other plants from the karst regions of southwest China. However, we found a significant difference in cal- cium content among Primulina species from different soil types, with high average calcium content (2,285.6 mg/kg) in Primulina from calcareous soil relative to low levels present in Primulina from both acid soil (1,379.3 mg/kg) and Danxia red soil (1,329.1 mg/kg). The main form of calcium stored in most Primulina species (9 out of 11) was pectate calcium, which accounted for 31.6-64.2% of the total calcium in the leaves. In contrast, for two species, P. linearifolia and P. medica, which grow on soil with a pH 〉 8, the main calcium form was soluble calcium, which accounted for about 40% of the total calcium in plant leaves. In addition, differences in calcium amount and type were recorded within species from either the same or different soil types. These results suggest that there is variation in calcium speciation found in Primulina at both inter- specific and intraspecific levels. Our findings provide a valuable basis for further studies on adaptive mecha- nisms of edaphic specialization in Primulina.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期715-722,共8页 Biodiversity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(31270427)
关键词 Primulina 喀斯特植物 钙质土壤 酸性土壤 钙形态 多样性 Primulina, karst plant, calcareous soil, acidic soil, calcium speciation, diversity
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