

Resource Allocation in Cognitive OFDM System Based on Knapsack Problem
摘要 针对多用户的OFDM认知无线电系统,提出了基于背包模型的资源分配新算法。该算法以最大化系统容量为目标,同时考虑各认知用户的QoS需求,将资源分配问题建模为多维0-1背包模型,并通过贪婪算法对其进行求解。仿真对比结果表明,该算法在性能上不仅逼近优化算法,而且具有较低的复杂度。 In this paper, a new algorithm of dismbuted resource allocation in cognitive OFDM system is proposed, which is based on knapsack problem. In order to maximum the throughput of system and satisfy the QoS require of each cognitive radio user in the meanwhile, the allocation problem is modeled as a muhidimensional 0 - 1 knapsack problem, which is solved by greedy algorithm. The simulation and comparison results demonstrate that not only the performance of the proposed algorithm close to the optimal algorithm' s, but the proposed algorithm also has low complexity.
作者 闵锐
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2013年第23期160-162,170,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 认知无线电 OFDM 资源分配 多维背包模型 服务质量 cognitive radio OFDM resource allocation multidimensional 0 - 1 knapsack problem QoS
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