
空间-时间联合编码效应:来自手动和眼动证据 被引量:4

Spatial-temporal Association of Response Codes Effect:Evidence from Manual and Saccadic Responses
摘要 本研究探讨汉语背景下不同反应方式(手动,眼动)、不同方位(水平,垂直)上空间-时间联合编码效应(STEARC效应)存在的可能性。四个实验均采用两类时间词语诱发被试的时间表征,采用2(时间:过去、将来)×2(反应手/眼跳方向:左、右/上、下)的被试内设计。结果表明汉语背景下的人们将过去和身体左边(上)联系在一起,把将来和右边(下)联系在一起,人们存在自左向右和自上而下的STEARC效应,这种效应不存在手动和眼动的分离,人们对时间的表征不仅是一条时间线,更是一个心理时间地图。 The spatial–temporal association of response codes (STEARC) effect reflects a space-related representation of time (mental time line) with a genuine left-to-right orientation. Alternatively, it may simply reflect an over learned motor association between time and manual responses. In this study, we want to explore STEARC effect under different response conditions, i.e. manual and saccadic response. There are two experiments in this study. Experiment 1a and Experiment 1b tested the STEARC effect using horizontally arrayed left/right responses by manual and saccadic responses respectively. Experiment 2a and Experiment 2b used vertically arrayed bottom/top responses by manual and saccadic responses respectively. The stimuli consisted of the two types of time words (past vs. future), which were displayed in the center of a computer monitor. Manual or saccadic response latencies were recorded. The Lenovo computer was used to records manual data and the SMI EyeLink-2000 systems was used to track saccadic response. In experiment 1, there was a interaction between response side and time words. Left-hand responses were faster than right-hand responses of the past words, Right-hand responses were generally faster than left-hand responses of the past words. There was also a interaction between saccadic and time words, past words responses were faster to the left saccadic, future words responses were faster to the right saccadic. In experiment 2, there was a interaction between response side and time words. Past words responses were faster of the top key, future words responses were faster of the bottom key, there was also a interaction between saccadic and time words, past words responses were faster to the up saccadic, future words responses were faster to the down saccadic. In addition, the error rate results support our hypothesis. The result suggest that that the time–space associations consistently found by manual and saccadic response conditions, which cannot be caused by preferred and overlearned manual motor associations. Our findings support the interpretation that in two response conditions, space-related magnitude representations are automatically activated and modulate efficiency a horizontal or a vertical motor response. The present results also suggest that time map is a preferred explanation for STEARC, not a mental timeline.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1347-1354,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 河北省教育厅人文社科重点项目(SKZD2011408)的资助
关键词 空间-时间联合编码效应 心理时间线 手动反应 眼动反应 STEARC effect, mental time line, saccadic,manual
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