

Political Ethics of Aristotle in “Good” Interpretation
摘要 亚里士多德在其政治学与伦理学著作中十分强调"善",其对善有一系统的理论认识,认为善是一切事物之目的,任何好的事物都以至善为目标。对善的解读不仅要知道什么是个人与城邦的善,而是要探索如何做才是善。基于此理念从三个维度对善进行解读,以善为根基,从何为善入手,对实现善的要素进行分析,探究个人与城邦何以至善。 Aristotle' s writings on politics and ethics always pays much attention to the "Good", which has a system of good understanding of the theory that the purpose of all things are good, and he believes any good things arc to be perfection as the goal. Interpretation of good not only expounds what is the good of individuals and polis, but explores how to do is good. This paper, based on the concept of Good from the three dimensions of interpretation to start from the foundation of the Good and what' s the Good, while analyzing the factors of the Good, explores how the individuals and the polis achieve perfection.
作者 闫晓萍
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2013年第11期53-56,共4页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 亚里士多德 要素 至善 Aristotle Good factor perfection
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