目的 探讨视力为1.0少年近视性屈光的状况。方法 采用常规视力检查、阿托品散瞳检影和屈光检查的方法对423眼视力为1.0的10~14岁少年进行视力检查、散瞳检影及配镜。结果 423眼中,近视性屈光65眼(占15.4%),其中复合近视性散光25眼(5.9%),单纯近视30眼(7.1%),近视散光10眼(2.4%)。结论 近视性屈光在视力为1.0少年中发病率较高,不容忽视,提示对可疑近视少年的散瞳视网膜检影验光是必要的。
Purpose:To discuss the myopic refractive status in the juvenile with the naked VA of 1 0. Methods:For the 423 eyes of the juvenile(10 14 years)with the naked eye vision of 1 0 We make routine vision examination and apply cydopleyics before retinoscopy.Results:of all the 423 eyes,myopic acount for 65 eyes in which 25 eyes are compound myopic astigrmatism(15 4%);30 eyes are simple myopic(7 1%)and 10 eyes are simple myopic astigmatism(2 4%).Conclusion:The myopic ametropia has a relatively high occurancy in juvenile with the naked visual acuity of 1 0.It can not be neglected.We emphysis the importance of retinoscopy after cycloplegic in juveniles.
Fujian Medical Journal