
男性雄激素性秃发患者的临床特征及治疗前后皮肤镜征象分析 被引量:9

A retrospective analysis of clinical,dermoscopic features of male patients with androgenic alopecia before and after treatment
摘要 目的:分析576例男性雄激素性秃发(AGA)患者的临床、皮肤镜特征及疗效。方法:对AGA患者进行问卷调查建立专科病历,对其中的391例进行皮损部位的皮肤镜观察并和118例正常人作对照,采用7级评分法进行疗效评价。结果:该研究中77.6%的患者发病年龄在21。40岁,89.1%病程在半年以上,61.3%有阳性家族史;95.3%的患者脱发表现为男性型,且82.4%的患者病情在Hamilton分级Ⅱ~Ⅳ级之间。皮肤镜下特征性的征象有〉20%的毛发直径变细、毛周征、毳毛增多、局部无毛征等,其中〉20%的毛发直径变细的发生率最高为87.5%,而对照组仅为3.4%。联合口服非那雄胺和外用米诺地尔治疗的有效率为75.2%,治疗3个月以上的有效率明显高于不足3个月者,疗程3个月以上的有效率达76.9%-86.7%,疗效与疗程成正相关关系。结论:AGA患者以轻中度脱发的青中年男性为主。皮肤镜在早期诊断AGA及评价疗效中有重要价值,〉20%的毛发直径变细为早期诊断的重要标准。联合口服非那雄胺和外用米诺地尔治疗AGA疗效确切,但至少需坚持3个月。 Objective: To analyze clinical, dermoscopic features and therapeutic efficacy of 576 male patients with androgenic alopecia (AGA). Methods: Clinical data were collected with a questionnaire from 576 male AGA patients. Lesions in 391 AGA were examined with dermoscopy and 118 normal volunteers served as controls. The 7-level scoring method was employed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy. Results: 77.6% male patients had AGA at ages of 21-40 years; 89.1% patients had AGA for more than six months; 61.3% had a family history of AGA. Among AGA patients, 95.3% patients were male pattern hair loss, and 82.4% were at Hamilton grade II-IV. Dermoscopic features included more than 20% hair diameter diversity (HDD), peripilar signs, increased thinner hair shaft and focal atrichia. 87.5% patients had more than 20% HDD while only 3.4% normal controls had more than 20% HDD. The total effective rate after combination of oral finasteride and topical 5% minoxidil was 75.2%. The effective rates were 76.9%-86.7% following 3-month treatment. The effectiveness was positively correlated with the duration of treatment. Conclusions: Most of AGA patients are young to middle-aged males with mild to moderate hair loss. Demoscopy is a valuable tool for early diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of AGA. The presence of more than 20% HDD is an important criterion for early diagnosis of AGA. Combination of finasteride and minoxidil is effective in treating AGA, but at least 3-month treatment is required.
出处 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期727-730,共4页 Journal of Clinical Dermatology
关键词 雄激素性秃发 皮肤镜 非那雄胺 米诺地尔 androgenetic alopecia dermoscopy finasteride minoxidil
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