目的:Alzheimer病(AD)实验室诊断指标测定。方法:ELISA测定40例AD患者,26例梗塞性痴呆(MID)患者,58例正常人脑脊液Tau含量。结果AD患者、MID患者脑脊液Tau 蛋白含量均明显高于正常对照组(P<0.001),而AD组与MID组差别无统计意义(P>0.05)。AD组Tau蛋白含量与病程呈正相关关系(P<0.01,r=0.44),MID组未发现此相关关系(P>0.l).三组测定值与年龄均无相关关系。结论:Tau蛋白含量在 AD患者脑脊液中明显升高,在 MID组亦增高,故单纯测定Tau蛋白难以鉴别AD和MID。作者单位:卫生部课题资助基金(批准编号:94-1-246,卫生部九五攻关课题)
Aim: To determine a specific experimental measurement of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: The levels of Tau protein in CSF was determined in 40 AD patients, 26 MID patients and 58 normal controls with ABC-ELISA. Results :The CSF-Tau levels were significantly elevated in AD and MID patients. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0. 05 ). There was correlation between the levels of Tau protein and course in AD. Conclusion: Levels of CSF-Tau in AD patients were significantly higher than normal controls, so were those of MID patients. So simple CSF-Tau detection is not a specific experimental diagnosis of AD.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences