目的 :研究柴胡桂枝汤对胃溃疡愈合质量的影响。方法 :用冰醋酸制备大鼠慢性胃溃疡模型 ,随机分为A、B、C三组 ,分别投给生理盐水、柴胡桂枝汤和西咪替丁。用HE染色和粘液组织化学染色对大鼠愈合性胃溃疡再生粘膜进行定量观察。用硝酸还原酶法检测胃粘膜NO含量。结果 :柴胡桂枝汤组和西咪替丁组再生粘膜厚度、粘液指数高于生理盐水组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,粘膜肌层缺损宽度小于生理盐水组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,NO含量高于生理盐水组 (P <0 .0 1或 0 .0 5) ;柴胡桂枝汤组粘液指数及NO含量高于西咪替丁组 (P <0 .0 5;0 .0 1 )。结论 :柴胡桂枝汤能提高溃疡愈合质量 ,溃疡愈合质量的提高是柴胡桂枝汤临床抗消化性溃疡复发的可能机理之一。
Objective To investigate the effect of Chaihu Guizhi decoction (CHGZ) on quality of ulcer healing (QOUH) in rats.Methods The rat model of chronic gastric ulcer was prepared with acetic acid and randomly divided into A,B and C group,which were given normal saline,CHGZ and cimetidine respectively.Then,the regenerated mucosa of healed gastric ulcer was observed quantitatively by using histochemical mucus stain and hematoxylin eosin stain,the contents of nitric oxide (NO) of gastric mucosa was measured by using biochemical methods.Results The thickness of regenerative mucosa in scar of group B and C were significantly thicker than that of group A (P<0.01),the width of defective muscularis mucosa in ulcer scar in B and C was significantly narrower than that of A (P<0.01),furthermore,the contents of NO and the mucus index in B and C were significantly higher than that in A (P<0.01;0.05).The mucus index and contents of NO of group B were significantly higher than that of C (P<0.01;P<0.05).Conclusion CHGZ can improve QOUH—it is one of possible mechanisms for preventing the relaps of peptic ulcer by usimg CHGZ in clinic.
Journal of Xianning Medical College
湖北省教委科技基金!资助项目 (95A0 34 )
Chaihuguizhi decoction
Gastric ulcer
Gastric mucosa
Nitric oxide
Regenerated mucosa