系统在井道里安装传感器,当井盖非法打开时,传感器将该井盖的GPS(Global Position System全球定位系统)、GIS(Geographic Information System地理信息系统)等数据发送到报警集中器,报警集中器通过GPRS(GeneralPacketRadioService通用分组无线业务)无线通讯网络将报警信息发送到监控中心或管理人员的手机上,并可以和110或12345联动。该系统具有实时性、快速性和准确性的特点。
The system sensor was inst',dled in the well. When the manhole cover was opened illegally, the sensor could send GPS and GIS data to the alarm concentrator. Ala,n information was sent to the monitoring center or mobile phone of managers through GPRS wireless communication network. The system had the characteristics of real-time, speed and accuracy.
Guizhou Electric Power Technology