
WC/Co硬质合金的磨料磨损性能研究 被引量:6

Investigation of the Abrasive Wear Behavior of WC/Co Hardmetals
摘要 采用微尺度浆料磨料磨损试验机和钢轮湿磨料磨损试验机 ,对比考察了不同晶粒尺寸和硬度的 WC/ Co硬质合金在钢轮湿磨料磨损试验和微尺度浆料磨料磨损试验条件下的磨料磨损性能 ;同时采用扫描电子显微镜观察分析合金磨损表面形貌 ,以探讨其磨损机理 .结果表明 :随着硬质合金试样硬度的增加 ,其在钢轮湿磨料磨损试验条件下的抗磨能力明显增强 ;而在微尺度浆料磨料磨损试验条件下 ,即 WC晶粒粒度与磨料相对尺寸相近时 ,合金的磨损体积损失与其硬度之间无明显相关性 ,此时 WC晶粒尺寸是影响硬质合金磨料磨损性能的主要因素 ,WC/ Co硬质合金的主要磨损机理为 The abrasive wear behavior of WC/Co hardmetals with different hardness and WC grain sizes was comparatively investigated on a ball cratering test rig and steel wheel wet slurry test rig. The worn surfaces of the hardmetals were observed with a scanning electron microscope, in an attempt to explore the abrasive wear mechanism of the hardmetals. As the results, the wear resistance of WC/Co in steel wheel wet slurry test increases considerably with an increase in the hardness. However, in the ball cratering test when the abrasive particle sizes and the grain size of WC in the hardmetals take the same order of magnitude, the abrasive wear resistance of the hardmetals is not regularly related to the hardness but to the gain size of WC grains. Namely, the larger the size of WC grains, the better the abrasive wear resistance of WC/Co hardmetals. SEM observation of the worn surfaces of the hardmetals after ball cratering test indicates that the dominant abrasive wear mechanisms are the cracking and spalling of WC grains. Thus in this case the resistance to spalling of WC grains plays a key role in governing the abrasive wear behavior of the hardmetals.
出处 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期431-434,共4页 Tribology
关键词 硬质合金 磨料磨损性能 磨损机理 hardmetals abrasive wear SEM of worn surfaces
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