在已有文献的基础上 ,提出用于空间任意曲面高速切削加工的并联机床 ,其切削加工空间应是在任何位置下动平台最大姿态角 βmax =30 的连续单连域回转空间。为使形状实用 ,限制空间成高径比H/D =0 .7的圆柱体。机床设计参数的确定采用逆向设计法 ,充分利用了已有机床部件的极限参数 (球铰极限摆动角 )。计算所得曲线 ,用于机床设计时 ,可迅速确定机床主要参数与空间尺寸规模 ,供方案比较与选择。研究结果表明 ,并联机床实用化须解决的主要问题之一是 :球铰副的极限摆动角rpM至少应 4矿。
A design methodology for the super speed parallel machine tool for arbitrary curved surface cutting has been established in this paper based on the result of previous research,in which the workspace of the machine tool shall be a continuous,monotonously connected turning(rotary)space with a moving platform of β max =30.For practical resons,the shape of the workspace is constrained to a cylinder with a L/D ratio of 0.7.The converse method is used to determine the parameters in the design of the parallel machine tool,which allows the use of maximum range of machine varibales (e.g.swinging angle of spherical bearng)within their limits.The calculated curves can be used in future parallel machine tool design to rapidly determine the major design parameters and machine dimensions,and to provide guidelines in proposal comparison and selction.As a result of this study,it is concluded that the key element for a practical parallel machine tool design is to make sure that the maximum swinging angle of spherical bearing is greater then 40 .
Machine Design And Research
黑龙江省重大科技攻关项目!(G98A12- 1)