
SAC305无铅钎料在Au/Ni镀层上的铺展性能研究 被引量:1

Research on Spreading Properties of SAC305 Pb-free Solder on Au /Ni Metallization
摘要 文章阐述了钎料润湿的基本原理,分析了关键工艺参数对钎料铺展性能的影响规律。针对温度、时间和表面状态等关键参数/状态,对无铅钎料SAC305在Au/Ni镀层上的铺展性能开展试验研究。结果表明,随着焊接温度和保温时间的增加,无铅钎料SAC305的铺展性能明显改善,铺展系数逐渐趋于100%。同时,通过RF的Ar等离子对钎料进行表面预处理也能够使其铺展性能有所改善。试验结果与理论分析具有较好的一致性。 The principle of wetting between solder and coating was introduced, and the influence of key parameters on spreading properties of solder was analyzed. In order to elucidate the relations between processing parameters, such as soldering temperature, time and surface texture, and the spreading properties between SAC305 Pb-free solder and Au/Ni metallization have been experimentally studied. The results shown that the spreading properties of SAC305 were improved with soldering temperature and time increasing, and the spreading coefficient approached to 100% gradually. The spreading properties also can be improved appreciably by RF Ar plasma treatment. The experimental results were good agreed with the principle analyses.
作者 闵志先
出处 《电子与封装》 2013年第11期1-4,共4页 Electronics & Packaging
基金 国防基础科研项目(A1120132016)
关键词 无铅钎料 软钎焊 SAC305 铺展 Pb-free solder soldering wetting SAC305 spreading
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