五轴加工中心的主轴部件的转速高 ,容易发热 ,当发热量或温升超过一定值时 ,主轴不能在设定的转速下正常工作。采用虚拟仿真技术计算分析五轴加工中心的主轴部件的热性能 ,用有限元分析方法建模和热力学仿真计算得到虚拟机床的主轴发热和温升。根据计算结果对不同轴承的使用比较分析 ,得到满足设计指标的选择。
Because of the high speed of the principal axis system of 5 axis machining center and severe heat,the principal axis can't work normally at a certain speed when the heat is too large or the temperature exceeds a fixed value.The spindle thermal performance of 5 axis machining center based on virtual simulation technology is analyzed.The heating and temperature change on the virtual machine spindle has been calculated by finite element analysis method and thermodynamics simulation. Introducing the imported precise bearing instead of the homemade,the design target is met.The virtual simulation on the heating and temperature change on the virtual machine spindle is made.The result closing to the fact is gotten, and the feasible measures is pointed out.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery