
浦东新区70679例已婚妇女普查结果分析 被引量:4

Analysis results of the gynecological mass screening on 70679 women of Pudong New District,Shanghai
摘要 目的了解该地区妇女的健康状况,明确城乡间常见妇科疾病的患病率的差别,以便优化妇科普查方法。方法回顾分析2008—2012年间于浦东新区周浦医院进行普查的70 679例不同区域的、年龄位于24~62岁的不同已婚妇女的单次妇科检查、盆腔彩超、白带常规、宫颈巴氏涂片等资料。按照城镇育龄妇女、村及企事业单位育龄妇女及低保低收入育龄妇女分组,分别比较3组人群中阴道炎、慢性宫颈炎、子宫肌瘤及卵巢囊肿的患病率。结果纳入的10 679例妇女中,患病率占前4位的依次是子宫肌瘤11 740例(16.61%),慢性宫颈炎8 060例(占11.40%),卵巢囊肿2 440例(3.45%),阴道炎1 834例(占2.59%)。比较常见妇科疾病在3个不同人群中的患病率发现,阴道炎患病率:低保低收入>村及村企业单位>城镇职工,三者比较有显著性(P<0.01);子宫肌瘤患病率:城镇职工>低保低收入>村及企事业单位,村及企事业单位患病率明显低于前两者,三者比较有显著性(P<0.01);慢性宫颈炎患病率,城镇职工>低保低收入>村及企事业单位,城镇职工明显高于后两者,三者者比较有统计学意义(P<0.01);卵巢囊肿患病率,低保低收入>村及企事业单位>城镇职工,低保低收入妇女患病率明显高于后两者,三者比较有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论城乡之间各种妇科疾病的患病率是有差别的,低保低收入及村镇企业妇女的发病率明显高于城镇,妇科普查应进一步优化,重点关注这一人群。 Objective To investigate the health state of women in Pudong Newa District by gynecological mass screening,and to explore the differences of the prevalence of various gynecological diseases between urban and rural areas, so as to optimize gynecology census method. Methods We collected 70 679 Chinese women who did gynecological examination in Zhoupu Hospital in Pudong New District from 2008 to 2012. The examination included physical' examinatiaon, pelvic B sonography, leucorrhea conventional check, cervical cytolo- gy (The cervical pap smears). They were incorporated into groups according to urban workers, village and enterprise or business unit and the low income group. We compared the prevalence of all kinds of common gynecological diseases. Results In all 70 679 women, there were 8 060 cases with chronic cervicitis( 11.40% ), 11 740 cases with myoma of uterus( 16.61% ), 1 834 cases with vaginitis( 2.56% ), 2 440 cases with Ovarian cyst (3.45%). By comparing different populations, we found that, as for the prevalence of chronic cervicitis, ur- ban workers 〉 the low income group 〉 village and enterprise or business unit, which had statistical significance ( P 〈 0.01 ) ; as for the prevalence of myoma of uterus, the urban workers 〉 the low income group 〉 village and enterprise or business unit, the prevalence of the village and enterprise or business unit was lower than the first two(P 〈 0. 01 ) ;as for the prevalence of vaginitis, the low income group 〉 village and enterprise or business unit 〉 the urban workers, the prevalence of the low income group was higher than the latter ones ( P 〈 0.01 ) ;as for the prevalence of ovarian cyst, the low income group 〉 village and enterprise or business unit 〉 the urban workers, the prevalence of the low income group was higher than the latter ones ( P 〈 0.01 ). Concsutions There are differences in the prevalence of various gynecological diseases between urban and rural areas, The prevalence of gynecological disease in the low income group and the village enterprises or business unit is higher than that in the ruban workers, We should pay more attention to this group in the mass screening.
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2013年第11期1883-1886,共4页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 妇科普查 预防保健 慢性宫颈炎 子宫肌瘤 阴道炎 卵巢囊肿 gynecological mass screening prevention and heahhcare chronic cervicitis vaginitis myoma of uterus ovarian cyst
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