
哈拉维赛博格的人文理念 被引量:2

The Humanistic Philosophy of Haraway's Cyberspace
摘要 在西方科技文化学术史上,美国加利福尼亚大学堂娜·哈拉维(Donna Haraway)的赛博格(Cyborg)理念成为当代重要的一股人文思潮,影响并遍及西方社会的方方面面。哈拉维思想体系围绕着"人的本质是什么"这个核心问题,探讨人类生存的限定和技术框架。这种思维模式使我们的身体越来越受到现代科学技术的影响,特别是随着生物技术和信息技术的发展,这种趋势越来越明显。文章从哈拉维赛博格虚拟的人文困惑、哈拉维赛博格之延续人类生命两个方面探讨哈拉维赛博格的人文理念,问切时代脉搏。 In the academic history of the western culture, the cyborg ( Donna Haraway ) ( Cyborg ) of Donna Haraway from University of California is an important concept of cultural trend. It influences many aspects of the western society. With the core issue of human existence of "what the nature of people is", Haraway explores the limit and the technical framework. This mode of thinking makes our body more and more modern effected by science and technology, and with the biological technology and the development of information technology, the trend is more and more obvious. This paper explores the pulse that Haraway's cyberspace philosophy makes to the times from the following aspects: first, Haraway cyberg's virtual humanistic puzzlement, involving ( a ) the machine into human cyborg identity, (b) the role imagination of human and machine as one body, (c) the promotion of human intelli- gence capacity by Cyborg; second, Berg Haraway's continuation of human life: ( a ) the impact of cyborg Internet to the human society, (b) a Cyborg technology to improve the ability of human organs, (c) a Cyborg new aca- demic vitality scene.
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第10期37-43,共7页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 广州市教育局科技(社科)项目(08B118)
关键词 哈拉维 赛博格 人文 生命 Haraway cyberg humanity life
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