
MST视角的GVT沟通影响因素案例研究 被引量:3

A Case Study on Influential Factors of Global Virtual Team Communication from the Viewpoint of MST
摘要 GVT作为一种新兴的团队组织形式,正以其低成本、高效率、响应迅速的优势被广泛应用于各个领域,但以信息与通信技术沟通为主的协作方式也为GVT管理带来了挑战。本研究以媒体同步性理论为基础,构建GVT沟通影响因素的初步理论模型,并以大连软件园两家软件公司中的4组团队为案例访谈对象,通过案例分析进一步修正和检验模型。分析结果显示:媒体同步性主要受传输速率和并行性影响;沟通过程与媒体同步性相适配的状态对沟通绩效有促进作用;GVT成员的语言能力、媒体经验和明确的沟通规范都会对沟通工具的使用产生重要影响。 The newly emerged team pattern of GVT (global virtual team) has been applied in dif- ferent industries because of its advantages in cost, efficiency and response, but the coordination mode which relies on information and communication technology also poses challenges to GVT management. Based on the media synchronicity theory, this research builds a preliminary theoret- ical model of influencing factors of GVT communication. After a multi-case study of 4 global vir- tual teams from 2 companies in Dalian Software Park, this research verifies and adjusts the mod- el. The findings indicate that the synchronicity of media is mainly affected by its transmission ve- locity and parallelism; the fit between communication process and media synchronicity can im- prove communication performance; in GVT, the utilization of communication tools is affected by team members~ language capacity, experience with media and the communication norms.
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 2013年第5期380-392,共13页 Journal of Management Case Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金(71072108 70902033)
关键词 全球虚拟团队 媒体同步性 沟通 案例研究 Global Virtual Team(GVT) media synchronicity communication case study
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