1 400客/2 000 m客滚船主要航行于渤海湾地区。由于该船装载的特点,对车辆甲板横向强度提出了较高的要求。结合该船设计利用有限元计算校核了车辆甲板的横向强度,并探讨车辆甲板上强构件开孔对其横向强度的影响结论对设计此类船舶有一定的参考作用。
The 1 400 passenger/2 000 meters deck line ropax vessel was designed to mainly voyage on the Bohai gulf area. This type of vessel required higher strength for the transverse structure underneath the vehicle deck due to its loading characteristics. The strength of transverse structure for the typical sections of this vessel was verified by means of finite element method (FEM). Based on the FEM analysis, the influence of different types of penetrations to the strength of primary transverse structures such as web beams and web frames was discussed in the introductory level. This article could serve as reference for passenger vessel designers.
Journal of Ship Design