科技创新的主要作用是生成和创造作为增量的新的知识 ,为经济增长创造直接的动力 ;科技创新能力主要是由科技创新动力机制决定的 ,这种动力机制主要有传统文化、教育模式、经费投入和科技管理体制等几个方面的因素 ;中国科技的主要问题不是在作为公共产品的知识存量方面 ,而是创新能力相对低下 ;只有培育中国的科技创新动力机制 ,才能提高中国的科技创新能力 ,才能为中国的经济增长提供强大动力。
The main functions of scientific creation are to produce and creat the knowledge,which directly creats dynamic for economic increase;The ability of scientific creation is chiefly decided by the dynamic system of scientific creation.This system has following several features:traditional culture,education mode,funds and the system of scientific management. The main problem on China's science is that the ability of creation is lower.Only by training the dynamic system of scientific creation can we improve the ability of scientific creation and provide the powerful dynamic for China's economy.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management