
花卉幼苗智能移栽机设计与仿真分析 被引量:6

Design and Simulation of Automatic Transplanter for Flower Seedling
摘要 为了改善目前盆栽花坛花卉幼苗移栽人工作业劳动强度大和作业效率低的现状,设计了花卉穴盘幼苗智能移栽机。综合国内外研究现状,介绍了智能移栽机的工作原理和作业流程。对花卉幼苗移栽机关键部件—末端定位机构和移栽夹持手爪进行虚拟样机设计,其中夹持手爪采用兼顾主动夹持和伸缩的操作方式,既有利于增加夹持力度,又可以防止幼苗根部基质对夹持手指的粘连。根据移栽作业预期效率和精度,基于ADAMS软件对3自由度移栽定位机构运动和移栽夹持手爪夹持力度进行仿真试验,对其各自驱动元件参数进行校核,保证其选型满足设计使用要求。 The automatic transplanter for flower seedling was designed, in order to decrease the labour intensity and im- prove the work efficiency. The principle and function of the transplanter was introduced in the paper. The virtual proto- type of the transmitting mechanism and the seedling grasper, the two key units of the transplanter, were built in ADAMS. According to the design objective, the motion of 3-DOF transmitting mechanism and the grasp force of the grasper were simulated. The simulating test verified that the driving capability of the motor and the cylinder could sufficiently meet the dynamical demand. Besides the seedling finger to prevent itself from sticking with grasper, whose fingers could both swing and spread, could clear the soil on the flower root, as well as hold forcefully the target.
作者 冯青春 王秀
出处 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2013年第12期78-81,共4页 Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
基金 国家"863"高技术研究发展项目(2012AA101903) 北京市农林科学院科技创新能力建设专项(KJCX201101014)
关键词 花坛花卉 智能移栽 夹持手爪 ADAMS仿真 parterre flower automatic transplanter end-effector ADAMS simulation
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