
微博关注关系网络K-核结构实证分析 被引量:13

Empirical Analysis on K-core of Microblog Following Relationship Network
摘要 为研究微博关注关系网络的特征,以新浪微博为例,引入复杂网络分析方法对微博关注关系网络进行实证分析。首先对微博关注关系网络进行K-核分解,获取微博核心用户关系网络。然后计算K-核网络基本参数、跟随比例和度相关性,发现其既具有在线社会网络的一般特征,也具有现实社会网络的一些特点。通过对K-核网络的社区检测及节点中心性、互惠性、中间人角色的分析,发现其网络结构具有明显的社区特性。该研究能够为相关应用提供实证基础。 In order to study the features of microblog following relationship network, the analysis method based on com- plex network is applied to analyze the following relationship of Sina Microblog in this paper. Firstly, the K - core decompo- sition operation is performed on a microblog following relationship network to obtain a core user' s relationship network. Secondly, the features of online community network and those of realistic society network can be received in the K - core network by computing the basic parameters of the K - core network, following ratio and degree correlation. Finally, a con- clusion can be obtained that the community characteristic of the network structure is very obvious by community detecting on the K - core network and analysis of the node centrality, reciprocity and the role of brokerage. Experimetnal results show that the research work of this paper can provide effectively a fundamental empirical analysis for related applications.
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期68-74,共7页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"引入涉身认知机制的汉语隐喻计算模型及其实现"(项目编号:61103101) 国家自然科学基金项目"基于马尔科夫树与DRT的汉语句群自动划分算法研究"(项目编号:61202281) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"面向信息处理的汉语隐喻研究"(项目编号:10YJCZH052)的研究成果之一
关键词 微博关注关系 K-核分解 社区检测 复杂网络 Microblog following relationship K -core decomposition Community detection Complex network
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