
基于GO法的电动静液作动器可靠性分析 被引量:18

Reliability analysis of electro hydrostatic actuator based on GO methodology
摘要 采用与故障树分析(FTA)对比法,研究了电动静液作动器(EHA)系统基于GO法的可靠性分析与安全评估方法.阐述了GO法的具体分析步骤,构建了EHA系统的GO图模型,分别利用GO法和FTA法对EHA系统进行了可靠性定量分析,并将结果对比,验证了GO法在EHA系统可靠性分析和安全评价中的可用性与正确性. Using the method of comparing with fault tree analysis (FTA), the reliability analysis and safety evaluation method of electro hydrostatic actuator (EHA) is studied based on GO methodology. Analytical procedure and GO drawing are presented in details. Quantitatively EHA system reliability analysis is conducted by GO methodology and FTA method respectively. The results of two kinds of methods above mentioned are compared. It is verified that GO methodology is available and corrective for analysis and evaluation of EHA system reliability.
作者 金霞 段富海
出处 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期846-850,共5页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology
关键词 电动静液作动器 可靠性分析 GO法 FTA法 electro hydrostatic actuator (EHA) reliability analysis GO methodology FTA method
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