China's newly announced air defense identification zone over the East ChinaSea aims to shore up national security The Chinese Government's recent announcement of an air defense identi- fication zone OkDIZ) over the East ChinaSea has met with opposition from Japan and the United States, which claimed that the move has altered the resional status quo in a way that may destabilize the situation. "Frankly speaking it is Japan that unilater- ally altered the resional status quo in 2012 by 'purchasin8' the Diaoyu Islands; and the United States, a country outside the resion, is destabilizin8 the resional situation by meddlin8 in island disputes in the East China Sea,"
China’s newly announced air defense identification zone over the East China Sea aims to shore up national security By Yu LintaoThe Chinese Government’s recent announcement of an air defense identification zone(ADIZ)over the East China Sea has met with opposition from Japan and the United States,which claimed that the move has altered the regional status quo in a way that may destabilize the situation.