
国家保障住房权的最低核心义务 被引量:3

The State Guarantees the Right to Housing Minimum Core Obligations
摘要 在较短时间内,让所有公民实现住房权是不现实的。在不同时期不同阶段,国家应尽其最大努力,履行保障住房权的最低核心义务。国家保障住房权的最低核心义务有其具体内容,国际及各个国家具有不同标准。同时,国家的最低核心义务在可诉性方面分为三个不同的层次:即在尊重义务层面具有完全可诉性,在保护义务和给付义务层面具有部分可诉性。我国可根据具体国情,通过制定《住房保障法》倾斜性保障住房困难家庭,赋予公民"可抗辩住房权",确立国家保障住房权的最低保障标准等措施,履行国家保障住房权的最低核心义务,以期使住房权的实现程度取得质的飞跃。 In a relatively short period of time, so that all citizens the right to housing is unrealistic. Different stages at different times, the State shall use its best efforts to comply with the minimum security of tenure core obligations. The State guarantees the right to housing has its minimum core obligations specific content, and each country has a different international standards. Meanwhile, the state 's minimum core obligations in terms of justiciability is divided into three different levels : the obligation to level with full respect for the justiciability of the obligation to protect and benefit obligation levels with partial suability. Country according to the specific national conditions, through the development of "houslng security law" tilt safeguards families with housing difficulties, gives citizens "to defend the right to housing," national security of tenure to establish minimum security standards such measures to fulfill the right to housing state guarantees minimum core obligations in order to make the degree of realization of housing rights achieved a qualitative leap.
作者 韩敬
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期121-126,共6页 Hebei Law Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目<住房权保障的国家义务研究>(12YJC820032) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目<法治湖南下住房保障地方立法研究>(12C0469) 长沙学院人才引进科研基金项目(XF1107)的阶段性成果
关键词 住房权 国家义务 最低核心义务 社会权 the right to housing national obligations minimum core obligation social rights
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