
WTO规则下贸易政策安排及诉讼策略——以“汽车零部件案”和“原材料案”为视角 被引量:2

Trade Policy Arrangements and Litigation Strategy under WTO——From the view of China-Auto Parts and Raw-Materials
摘要 随着中国加入WTO和涉诉案件的不断增加,一方面为中国熟悉该组织的规则提供了机会,便于以后掌握并运用其规则保护自身贸易利益;另一方面研究分析WTO争端解决机构的相关裁决,解读其对相关条款的解释,对于以后贸易政策安排具有积极意义,避免"重蹈覆辙"。对中国第一次被诉的"汽车零部件案"到最近的"原材料案"中涉及贸易政策安排的相关问题及诉讼策略进行分析。 Since being a member of WTO, China has experienced more and more cases. On the one hand, it provides a good chance for China to get familiar with WTO rules, so China can make full use of these rules to safeguard its interests later; on the other hand, it is important to analysis the WTO ruling relating to explanation of some clauses, which can help China to arrange its trade polices in consistent with WTO rules. This article discusses Chinese trade policies in China-Auto Farts, firstly as defendant, and Raw-Materials. Moreover, it offers a brief analysis of China's litigation strategy. The author expects that the study of this thesis can provide richer and more effective advice to China's trade policies arranging under WTO.
作者 魏庆坡
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期167-176,共10页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 WTO争端 汽车零部件进口管理案 原材料出口限制案 贸易政策 诉讼策略 WTO dispute China-Auto Parts Raw-Materials trade policy litigation strategy
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  • 1"do not make any mention of environmental or health concerns". Ibid, para. 7. 501.
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  • 3Para. 2.1 of Reports of the Panel on China-Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts (" Panel Re- ports on Automobile Parts" ), WT/DS339/R, WT/D$340/R, WT/DS342/I:, 18 July 2008, (08-3275).
  • 4Para. 2.1 of Reports of the Appellate Body on China-Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials ("the Appellate Body Reports on Raw Materials"), WT/DS394/R, WT/DS395/R, WT/DS398/R, 5 July 2011, (11-3179), 5 July 2011, (11-3179).
  • 5国家海关总署网站:http://www.customs.gov.cn/publish/portalO/tab518/inf04497.htm(最后访问时间:2013年1月25日).
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  • 5See Panel Report, China- Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, WT/DS363/R, para. 7.743.
  • 6See Appellate Body Report, United States - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Wr/DS2/AB/R, pp.29- 30.
  • 7Appellate Body Report, China - Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertain- ment Products, para. 233.
  • 8Panel Report, China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS398/R, paras. 7.124 - 7.129.v.
  • 9Jennifer Hillman Ricardo Rarmrez - Hem6ndez. Shotaro Oshima;".
  • 10Ricardo Ramlrez - Hem6ndezJennifer Hillman. Shotaro Oshima.











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