

Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System Network Client Software Design Inquiry
摘要 在结合传统煤矿安全生产模式的基础上,提出了一种基于计算机安全监控监控系统客户端软件设计的煤矿综合监控系统结构,实现了井上与井下煤矿安全设备通讯,着重阐述了基于计算机安全监控系统客户端软件的安全生产设计与实现,希望对我国煤矿安全生产有所帮助。 It combines the traditional coal mine safety production mode was proposed based on a computer monitor and control system based on the safety monitoring of the client software design of coal mine comprehensive monitoring system structure, and realize the inoue and underground coal mine safety device communications, emphatically elaborated the computer security monitoring based on computer monitoring system of the production safety of the client software design and implementation, and I hope to help our country coal mine safety production.
作者 王淼
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第11期284-285,共2页 Coal Technology
关键词 监控系统 煤矿安全 网络客户端 软件设计 monitoring system coal mine safety network client software design
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