
科技人力资源共享中的寻租行为实证研究 被引量:1

The Research of Rent-Seeking Behavior in the Sharing of Human Resources Devoted to Science and Technology (HRST)
摘要 科技人力资源共享具有积极的意义,但同时存在许多问题,而许多问题的根源是在于共享中普遍存在寻租行为。科技人力资源共享社会资本的结构维度、关系维度、认知维度对共享具有正向作用,表现为促进科技人力资源集群的形成和提高共享绩效。但随着集群规模和共享程度的扩大,社会资本边际效用逐渐下降甚至变为负值,对科技人力资源共享产生的负向作用,表现为由于权力因素和信息因素双重作用下的寻租行为。本文构建了科技人力资源共享的框架模型,特别是强调了共享中的寻租问题。在结合江苏省常州科教城国际创新基地的科技人力资源共享中寻租问题的实证研究基础上,强调了寻租行为是科技人力资源共享中的普遍现象,并证实了"权力因素"和"信息因素"是科技人力资源共享中寻租行为的主要原因。 Nowadays, the sharing of human resources devoted to science and technology (HRST) has significant positive meaning to our society. However, there are some problems occurring with its application, which one of the major problems is the rent-seeking behavior in sharing. Structural dimension, relational dimension and cognitive dimension of social capital of the sharing of HRST have led a positive role in promoting the formation of clusters of HRST and improving the shared performance. However, with the expansion of the cluster size and the enlargement of sharing, the marginal utility of social capital is gradually declining or is even having negative effect on the sharing of HRST, which is the rent-seeking behavior, affected by the control of power and the access to information. This report established the framework of HRST sharing model, with the particular emphasis on the rent-seeking in sharing. In the empirical study, conducted in the Science and Education Center, International Innovation Base, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China, based on the rent-seeking research in HRST sharing, there are two conclusions: first, the rent-seeking behavior is a common phenomenon in the sharing of HRST; second, it is proved that the two major factors of the rent-seeking behavior in the sharing of HRST are the control of power and the access to information.
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期76-85,共10页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划2011年度课题:竞争战略视野下高职院校区域性科技资源共享平台建设研究(D/2011/03/003) 中国高等职业技术教育研究会"十二五"规划课题(GZYLX2011069)
关键词 科技人力资源 共享 社会资本 寻租 Human Resources Devoted To Science and Technology (HRST) Sharing Social Capital Rent-Seeking
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