
大学学术权力与行政权力包容的理论内涵 被引量:2

The theory connotation of inclusive academic power and administrative power in university
摘要 权力是权力主体对客体的影响力、控制力和权威力,是一切社会活动有序进行的基本条件之一,旨在实现或维护一定的利益。其中,近半个世纪以来世界范围的一个突出现象就是权力融合,它有助于调和社会矛盾,增强社会合力。而包容理念是权力融合思想在社会冲突领域里的进一步体现,近年来日益成为促进国际、国内多元利益主体和谐发展的主流观念。大学学术权力与行政权力的关系是当代社会冲突领域的一个经典范例,两者既有区别又不能分离,由于根本利益一致,它们存在着包容的基础和条件。 Power, which is the influence, control and authority of subject to object, is one of the premises conducting all order social activities, and its fundamental purpose is to achieve or maintain certain benefits. Power-fusion, as a worldwide prominent phenomenon for nearly half a century, helps to reconcile social contradictions and enhance social cohesion. The concept of compatibility is a further reflection of power-fusion idea in the field of social conflict of all kinds, and it has been becoming a mainstream concept which could promote the international and domestic harmonious development of multi-stakeholder in recent years. The relationship between academic power and administrative power in the university is a classic example of some conflicts in contemporary society, which are contradictive but inseparable. Due to their fundamental common interest, there are basis and conditions for their compatibility.
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第21期41-45,共5页 Research in Educational Development
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目“大学内部权力治理结构研究---基于委托代理理论的分析视角”(13YJC880073)和“现代大学制度下的我国公立高校内部权力治理研究”(10YJA880052)的部分成果
关键词 大学 学术权力 行政权力 权力包容 university, academic and administrative powers, compatibility between powers, mechanism
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