

Confucius in U. S. Media Agitation for Missionary Enterprise in China ( 1800—1830)
摘要 传教士是近代以来中美交流的重要媒介。美国传教士于1830年来华,原因既有学界集中关注的美国宗教运动和英国传教士的言辞鼓励,也有本文所揭示的美国国内长达近30年的舆论准备。自19世纪初开始,美国报刊和其他出版物密集刊登有关中国传教形势的报道和评论,以中国精神体系的象征符号孔子为切入点,既显示出中国传教局面的严峻性和紧迫性,也指出了可资利用的突破口,更是美国教会表达传教意愿的渠道。舆论准备为即将开始的美国在华传教事业赢得了民众理解和认可,创造了适宜的社会氛围,所确立的传教原则贯穿着随后的美国在华传教行为。 American missionaries served as the main link between China and the United States in modern times. American religious movement and encouragement from British missionaries are often cited by the academia to explain their initial decision to start their China enterprise. However, possessing the same importance is the media preparation in the thirty years before 1830. Since the dawn of the 19th century, American newspapers, magazines, and other mass publications offered intensive coverage and commentary on the Chinese prospect for missionaries. Employing Confucius as the entry point, those writings high- lighted the great challenges in China, revealed workable way - outs for impasses, and expressed the ambitions of American chur- ches. Such media agitations helped potential American missionaries win popular understanding of and support for their imminent China undertakings, while the principles clarified in the media had governed American missionary conducts in China thereafter.
作者 张涛
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期70-77,128,共9页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 2012年重庆市教委人文社会科学研究项目<孔子与早期美国的对华认知>的阶段性成果 项目批准号为12SKJ02
关键词 美国传教士 孔子 舆论 传教原则 American missionaries Confucius media opinion missionary principles
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