
我国大学和产业合作的战略选择和制度安排——协同创新中高等教育宏观政策的调整和创新 被引量:6

On the Strategic Choice and System Arrangement of University-industry Cooperation in China——Adjustment and Innovation of Higher Education Macro-policy in Collaborative Innovation
摘要 我国大学的科学研究以理论研究和学科研究为主,对实践研究和技术研究的重视程度不够,把学术创新作为最高的追求目标。大学和产业合作中利益相关者之间的利益划分和协调机制尚未建立,企业、大学、政府的协作不够,科技中介机构、风险投资发展滞后,信息不对称。为此,要明确大学和产业合作科研成果权利归属,建立利益分配机制;增强大学和产业合作动力和合作积极性,建立利益协调机制;设立大学和产业合作组织管理协调机构,建立利益保障机制;积极推进科技中介和风险投资机构发展,建立外围发展机制。 The scientific research in Chinese universities takes theoretical research and disciplinary research as the principal part, neglects the practical research and technological research to some degree, and considers academic innovation as the highest goal. Interest allocation and coordination mechanism of stake-holders have not been established in university-industry cooperation. The cooperation among enterprise, university, and government is insufficient. The intermediary organ of science and technology and the development of risk investment lag behind, and the information is asymmetric. Therefore, we should make clear the attribution of right of scientific research achievement in university-industry cooperation, and establish interest distribution mechanism; enhance the motivation and the enthusiasm of university-industry cooperation, and build interest coordination mechanism; establish management and coordination organization of university-industry cooperation, and establish interest assurance mechanism; actively promote the development of scientific and technological intermediary and risk investment institutions, and establish periphety development mechanism.
作者 薛二勇
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期44-52,共9页 Educational Research
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"科学发展观引领下的教育创新与创新型国家建设重大问题研究"(项目编号:08&ZD002)的研究成果 项目主持人刘川生
关键词 高等教育 大学和产业合作 制度安排 战略选择 higher education, university-industry cooperation, system arrangement, strategic choice
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