
杉木栽培生物学研究——杉木持续速生丰产原理及应用的系列研究(学术总结) 被引量:13

Study on the Biological Characters for the Culture of Chinese Fir——A series study on the principles and applications of sustainedly fast-growing and high yield plantation ( Academic Summary )
摘要 概述杉木栽培生物学研究意义、研究主要成果,包括杉木种源试验、生理生态研究;杉木生长发育规律研究、杉木产区区划,立地评价、计算机辅助造林设计系统,林地肥力改良和营养诊断、人工林生物量及生产力的研究等,并附发表的系列研究论著目录30篇。 From the angle of the culture of Chinese-fir a systematic study on the biological characters of Chinese fir as been made, to discuss the principles and applications of sustainedly fast-growing and high yield plantation. The main contents are as follows: 1 ) The results from the study on the provenancestest, physiology and ecology showed that Chinese fir can be divided into three geographical types and one sub-type in China. Besides, the geographical variation pattern and physiological characters of Chinese fir have been analysed. 2 ) Through the study on the regularity of growth and development, the division of annual growth and development time for seedling and young growth has been got, together with the relationship between the annual growth and development time and the environmental factors such as temperature, precipitation, ect. 3 ) According to the characteristics of nature, economy and the growth of Chinese fir, three subregions of Chinese-fir growth have been divided in Fuj-ian Province. Also, each subregion has been defined with the scale, cultiv ated goal and management characters of the culture of Chinese fir.Moreover, a computer-aided design for forest culture has been estabilished. 4 ) The way overcoming the productivity decline have been obstained after the research on the biochemical activities and fertilies of soil in Chinese-fir-replanted-plantation woodland. The rational proportion of different fertilizers and the Diagnosis Recomendation of Intergrated System ( DRIS ) have been discussed. The regularity of soil erosion, water loss and fertility loss in the woodland caused by controlled burning has been expounded. Accordingly, the improved measures of silvicultural treatments have been put forward. 5 ) From the angle of community, the regularity of growth and development as well as the characteristics of stand structure and community succession inthe fast-growing and high yield Chinese-fir plantation, old growth and natural forest of Chinese fir, along with the distribution regularity of biomass of Chinese-fir plantation in different areas have been studied. The theoretical bases and scientific evidences for the culture of fast-growing and high yield plantation have been presented from the foregoing studies. Besides the achievements mentioned, assimilating the experiences of production as well as the internal and external achievements in scientific research, the author has composed a monograph - Chinese Fir. The author also worked out The Technical Standard of Fast-Growing and High Yield of Chinese Fir in Fu-jian, which was issued and carried out in 1986. During the past 4 years the plantation areas have been increasing up to 30 million hectares and the remarkable economic results have been achieved.
作者 俞新妥
机构地区 杉木研究所
出处 《福建林学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
关键词 杉木 栽培 生物学 速生 丰产 biological characters, culture, chinese fir sustainedly fast-growing and high yield
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