[目的]探讨微波提取伊朗蒿精油的最佳工艺条件,并对精油的抑菌效果进行研究。[方法]采用微波处理方法,试用不同的条件对伊朗蒿精油进行提取,并采用滤纸片扩散法来检测精油的抑菌效果。[结果]伊朗蒿精油的最佳微波提取工艺是:料液比为1∶15(W/V,g/ml,下同),微波湿处理30 min后保持4 h的回流时间;在此条件下,伊朗蒿精油的精油量为11.0 ml/kg。抑菌试验结果表明,伊朗蒿精油对于细菌生长具有明显的抑制作用。[结论]该研究为伊朗蒿的综合利用与开发提供了理论依据。
[ Objective] The research aimed to explore the best conditions of microwave extraction essential oils from Artemisia persica Boiss and the antibacterial effects of essential oils. [ Method ] Try different conditions on oil extraction after microwave treatment, then use filter pa- per diffusion method to detect the inhibitory effect of essential oils. [ Result] The best condition is to keep the ratio of solid to liquid 1: 15, with 30min microwave extraction and the time of reflux is 4h. In this condition, the yield of essential oil is 11. 0 ml/kg. The essential oils of Artemisia persica Boiss is also proved to have the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria. [ Conclusion] The research provides the theoretical basis for development and comprehensive utilization of Artemisia persica Boiss.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences