为加强草原生态环境保护,国家前后启动了退牧还草、京津风沙源治理、西南岩溶地区草地治理项目等工程,为满足项目对工程区数字化上图的要求,使用VisioStudio.NET C#2005研制开发了基于ESRI公司的最新产品ArcGIS Engine9.3的草原工程区数字化上图与制图系统,可以圆满解决各项目草原工程区数字化上图问题。系统具有操作简便、运行稳定、界面友好、支持多种数据格式等优点,可为草原管理部门提供有效的决策支持,具有很大的应用潜力。
In order to strengthen the protection of grassland ecological environment, the government has started grazinglban policy, Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source control project and grassland restoration in Karst area of southwest China project, to meet these projects" require- ments, we develop a grassland area digitizing and mapping system using VisioStudio. NET C# 2005 based on ArcGIS Engine 9.3. This system can solve the problems of digitizing grassland area and mapping work, it has the advantages of simple operation, working stable, friendly inter- face, support for multiple data formats, and also can be used to provide effective decision supports for government, therefore, the system has a great potential in application.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences