中华松梢蚧Sonsaucoccus sinensis(Chen)在福建仅为害马尾松。该虫雌雄异型,一年发生一代,以一龄寄生若虫越冬。各虫态出现期因气温变化而有差异,如闽南因气温回暖早,各虫态均比闽北早一个月出现。其传播方式通过风、雨和人为活动等途径。防治该虫的有利时机在初孵若虫期,因为此时虫体尚未盖满腊质层。采用有机磷农药如乐果,以530—1000倍液防治,效果可达80%以上。该虫有多种天敌,如松瘿蚊Lestodiposis sp.异色瓢虫Leis axyridis Pallas、大草蛉Chrysopa septem-puctata Wesmael、日本弓背蚁Camponotus japonicus Mayr,应加以保护。
Sonsaucoccus sinensis only feeds on Pinus massoniana in Fujian. The pest is sexual dimorphism, one generation per year and overwinter as first in-star larve. Its developmental rate is related to temperature such as the developmental rate in the South Fujian is one month ahead of that in the North. The pest is spreaded by winter, rain and human activities and so on. The good time of control is during the period of the newly emerged nymph because its body is not completely covered by wax in the time. Spraying organic phospor-ous insecticides such as dimethoate by 1: 500-1000 can kill more than 80% of the pest. The pest has many kinds of natural enemies such as Cecidomyia Pini, Harmonia axyridis, Chrysopa septempuactata and Camponotus japonic. These natural enemies should by protected.
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry