

An Ethnology Interpretation on Legend “Incest”:a Case Study on Li Ethnic
摘要 在世界各民族的早期神话传说中,乱伦是普遍出现的母题。学者大都认同这些传说的背景是在史前社会。也就是说,这是母系文化背景下的人类两性关系状态的某种反映。事实上,这类观点存在着很大的谬误,对许多母系氏族的考察与研究表明,所有的氏族都恪守族外性关系的原则,普遍存在乱伦禁忌,包括一直被古代汉人传为"群婚"乱交的黎族。"乱伦"传说的存在,绝不意味着那个时代就是两性关系混乱的"群婚"社会。 In the early myths and legends all over the world, incest is a widespread motif. Most scholars agree that the background of these legends is in prehistoric society, that is, it is a reflection of the gender relations in the context of the state of a human matriarchal culture. However, this kind of view is totally wrong because many matriarchal investigation and research shows that all of the clans have abided the principle that sexual relations outside of the family, which has a prevalence of incest taboos, including the Li ethnic regarded as "group marriage" for ancient Han ethnic. The "Incest" legend is by no means an era of the "group marriage" society for a chaotic relation between the sexes.
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期130-136,共7页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 “乱伦”传说 母系文化 族外性关系 “群婚”社会 "Incest" Legend Matriarchal Culture Sexual Relations outside the Family "Group Marriage" Society
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