
针刺申脉、照海联合松郁安神方治疗单纯性失眠随机平行对照研究 被引量:6

Acupuncturing Shen Mai and Zhao Hai Point combined with Songyu Anshen Decoction to Treat of Simple Insomnia Randomized Controlled Study
摘要 [目的]观察针刺申脉、照海联合松郁安神方治疗单纯性失眠疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将90例门诊患者按就诊顺序编号随机分为三组。中药组30例松郁安神方(甘松10g,郁金15g,玫瑰花10g,生龙骨先煎、珍珠母先煎、夜交藤各30g,丹参、酸枣仁各15g,龙胆草、琥珀冲服、薄荷各6g),1剂/d,水煎分2次服。针灸组30例针刺申脉、照海(患者坐位/仰卧位针灸针沿皮直刺穴位至10mm),出现酸麻胀重得气感后每10min行针一次,留针30min。针药组30例针刺申脉、照海+松郁安神方。连续治疗28d为1疗程。观测临床症状、多导睡眠监测睡眠进程、睡眠结构、阿森斯失眠量表评分;不良反应。连续治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]睡眠进程和睡眠结构各项数据均有改善(P<0.05),三组治疗组与正常组无显著差异(P>0.05),睡眠进程及睡眠结构各项数据经过多重比较,提示在改善入睡时间、觉醒次数、觉醒时间,缩短浅睡眠,提升深睡眠方面,针药组优于中药组及针刺组(P<0.05)。[结论]针刺申脉、照海联合松郁安神方治疗单纯性失眠疗效满意,值得推广。 [Objective]To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncturing Shen mai and Zhao hai point combined with Songyu Anshen decoction to treat insomnia.[Methods]Used randomize controlled method,90cases of outpatient treatment order numbers were randomly divided into Chinese medicines group,acupuncture group and Chinese Medicines added acupuncture group. The Chinese medicine group have 30 cases and use Songyu Anshen decoction which Compose by the GanSong 10g,YuJin 15g,Meiguihua 10g,Shenglonggu30g,Zhenzhumu 30g,Yejiaoteng 30g,Danshen 15g,Suanzaoren 15g,Longdancao,Hupo and Bohe each6g in one preparation everyday,With the decoction orally 2 times. The acupuncture group have 30 cases whose patient sitting or supine postural acupuncture needles acupuncture Shen Mai and Zhao Hai points along the skin perpendicularly to 10mm,Tingling swelling occurs after heavy sense of qi 10min each line of the needle once the needle 30min. The Chinese medicines added acupuncture group which use acupuncture Shen Mai and Zhao Hai point combined with Songyu Anshen decoction have 30 patient,continuous treatment 28 days for a course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms,the process of sleep polysomnography,sleep structure,the Athens Insomnia Scale score;Adverse reactions. Continuous treatment of a course of treatment,to determine efficacy.[Results]The data of sleep processes and sleep structural were improved(P0.05),Three treatment groups with no significant difference between the normal group(P0.05),The data of sleep processes and sleep structural through multiple comparisons,Tips to improve sleep latency,number of awakenings,wake time,reduce light sleep,enhance to deep sleep,The Chinese medicines added acupuncture group was superior to chinese medicines group,and acupuncture group(P0.05).[Conclusion]Acupuncturing Shen Mai and Zhao Hai point combined with Songyu Anshen decoction treat of simple insomnia satisfactory outcome worthy of promotion.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2013年第6期109-112,共4页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
基金 福建省科技厅专项基金(2009R10007-1) 福建省医学创新课题基金(2009-CX-1) 福建省中医药科研项目重点课题(wzzs0901)
关键词 单纯性失眠 针刺 申脉 照海 松郁安神方 阿森斯失眠量表 多导睡眠监测 睡眠进程 睡眠结构 随机平行对照研究 The simple insomnia acupuncture Shen mai Zhao hai Songyu Anshen Athens Insomnia Scale Polysomnography Sleeping process Sleep structural Randomized controlled study
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