
UV-C辐照降解水中藻源性污染物β-环柠檬醛 被引量:2

β-cyclocitral derived from algae-induced contaminant in degraded water by UV-C irradiation
摘要 以β-环柠檬醛为典型目标污染物,采用UV-C辐照工艺进行了降解研究,目标物质在254nm处具有最高的吸收峰,光降解特性良好.灯管功率6W,β-环柠檬醛初始质量浓度为1 552ng/L,反应60min时,去除率可达96.3%,β-环柠檬醛光降解反应过程符合一级反应动力学.增大光强和提高初始质量浓度均可提高反应速率;弱碱性最有利于UV-C辐照降解β-环柠檬醛;水中存在的阳离子对光降解速率影响不大;阴离子具有较强的促进作用,强弱顺序为NO-3>CO32->HCO-3>SO2-4;投加H2O2可提高光降解速率;水质条件对β-环柠檬醛光解存在影响,水质条件最为复杂的原水中β-环柠檬醛降解速率最低. Photodegradation ofβ-cyclocitral in aqueous systems was researched by UV-C irradiation. β-cyclocitral has fine characters of photodegradation for its highest absorbance at 254 nm and can be effectively removed from the aqueous system with efficiency of 96.3% under the condition of 6 W irra- diation intensity, 1 552 ng/L initial concentration and 60 min reaction time. UV-C degradation of β-cy- clocitral fits a first-order reaction model. Results show that increase light intensity and improve the in- itial concentration can improve reaction rate; alkaline most conducive to W-cirradiation degradation of β-cyclocitral; cations present in the water has little effect on the degradation rate of light; anion has a strongrole in promoting, the order is NOx〉C02a-〉HCO3-〉~SO42- ; addition of anions and H2O2 are advantage to accelerate β-cyclocitral degradation rate and the cations influences the degradation light- ly, while the complex water quality of raw water inhibit the degradation.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期26-31,共6页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51208468 51008261) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LQ12E080063)
关键词 藻源性污染物 嗅味污染物 β-环柠檬醛 紫外光辐照 光降解 algae-induced contaminant~ odor pollutants β-cyclocitral~ ultraviolet irradiation~ photo-degradation
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