
蚜小蜂科的分类研究 Ⅰ.短索蚜小蜂属1新种及松突圆蚧异角蚜小蜂的记述(膜翅目Hymenoptera,蚜小蜂科Aphelinidae)

Systematic Studies of Aphelinidae I. On a New Species of Archenomus Howard and Coccobius azumai Tachikawa (Hymenoptea, Aphelinidae)
摘要 松突圆蚧异角蚜小蜂Coccobius azumai Tachikawa是松树上松突圆蚧Hemiberlesia pityso phila Takagi的重要寄生蜂,广东省自1986年以来从日本冲绳引进以防治松突圆蚧.在引进的材料中还获得短索蚜小蜂属Archenomus的1新种.笔者对这2种蚜小蜂作了描述,新种模式标本分藏福建农学院生物防治研究所和植物保护系. Since 1986 Coccobius azumai Tachikawa, an economically important parasite of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi, has been introduced to control this pine scale from Okinawa, Japan into Guangdong Province, China. 1 species of Archenomus obtained from the introduced scale material on Luchu pine (Pinus luchuensis Mayr) is described here as new to science. The type specimens on slides are deposited in Biological Control Research Institute and Plant Protection Department, Fujian Agricultural College. 1. Coccobius azumai Tachikawa (Fig.1). Coccobius azumai Tachikawa, 1988. Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc.,19(l-2):67-71. 2. Archenomus pponicus, sp. nov. (Fig.2). This new species is included in the bicolor group by the following characters: the occipital surface with a complete transverse sulcus which extends across the back of the head to meet the sulcus on the front aspect of the head below the eyes, thus separating the lower part of the head from the upper part; mandible tridentate; linear sensilla of antenna not strongly produced apically. It resembles A. aethiopicus Annecke, but it can be separated from the latter in funicle segment Ⅲ distinctly shorter, 1.87 times as wide as long, club segment Ⅲ longer and sharper, mid lobe of mesoscutum with long reticulate sculpture and 3 pairs of setae, marginal vein slightly longer, 5-6 setose below the apical submarginal vein, fore tarsi and apical segments of mid and hind tarsi blackish. Male differs chiefly from the female in the antenna,fore tarsi and the 3rd-4th segments of mid and hind tarsi blackish, the male genitalia as long as the middle tibia. Holotype ♀, Allotype ♂ , paratypes 1 ♀, 3♂♂, Okinawa, Japan, April, 1987, S. Azuma, ex the scales on Luchu pine (Pinus luchuensis Mayr) introduced into Guangdong, China.
作者 黄建
出处 《福建农学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第3期281-285,共5页
关键词 蚜小蜂科 短索蚜小蜂 松突圆蚧 Aphelinidae Coccobius azumai Tachikawa Archenomus japonicus new species
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