日本的PHS自1995年开通后,曾以其低廉的费用火爆一时,后由于市场定位和网络本身的问题,逐渐走入低谷。近来一些PHS运营商针对存在的问题,不断地进行改造和调整,特别是提高了网络性能,增加了服务,使 PHS重新获得了发展势头。
Since its launch in 1995, PHS had won popularity for a while in Japan because of its cost - effectiveness; however, it gradually lost its glamour for its market orientation and network issues. Recently, some PHS operators have constantly made renovation and adjustment to the existing problems, especially in improving network performance and increasing types of services. As a result, PHS has gained development momentum again.
World Telecommunications