
蚜小蜂科的分类研究Ⅱ.中国短索蚜小蜂属4新种记述(膜翅目Hymenoptera,蚜小蜂科Aphelinidae) 被引量:2

Systematic Studies of Aphelinidae Ⅱ. Desciptions of Four New Species of Archenomus Howard from China (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae)
摘要 本文记述中国短索蚜小蜂属Archenomus Howard的4新种,新种的模式标本分藏福建农学院生物防治研究所和植物保护系. Four new species of Archenomus Howard from China are described in the present paper. All the type specimens are deposited in Biological Control Research Institute and Department of Plant Protection, Fujian Agricultural College. 1 Archenomus sparsiciliatus, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) It belongs to the serratus group, but can be easily separated from its congeners by the second funicle notably shorter and transverse. and fore wing without setae on the large area of disc. Male unknown. Holotype ♀, Fuzhou, Fujian, 1987-03; Paratype, 1♀, Liancheng county, Fujian, 1988-08-23. Host unknown. 2 Archenomus xanthothoracalis, sp. nov. (Fig. 2) It is similar to A. rolaspidis in the serratus group, but is separated from that species by thorax largely yellowish except for pronotum and the anterior mid lobe of mesoscutum blackish-brown, legs whitish leaving the dorsal margin of hind femur slightly blackish, the first funicle about as long as wide, mid lobe of mesoscutum with 6 setae, fore wing narrow and 3.64 times as long as wide, and ovipositor about 1.15 times as long as mid tibia. Male unknown. Holotype♀, wuyi Mountain, Fujian, 1987-06; Paratypes, 2♀ ♀, Fuzhou, Fujian, 1987-03. Host unknown. 3 Archenomus sunae, sp. nov. (Fig. 3) It is allied to A. bicolor in the bicolor group, but can be differentiated from the latter in thorax largely yellow to brownish-yellow except for pronotum, the anterior mid lobe of mesoscutum and mesopleuron brownish to blackish—brown, funicular segments longer than the first segment of club, the third funicle 1.22 times as long as the first funicle, wing disc sparsely setose, and only 1 seta below apex of submarginal vein. Male is mostly like the female, but differs from the female in more blackish—brown on the body, and the structure of antenna. Holotype♀, Allotype♂, Paratypes, 2♂ ♂, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 1989-09-21, ex (?) Nesticoccus sinensis Tang on bamboo. This species is named after Mrs. Sun Yuzhen who collected the type-series of A. sunae. 4 Archenomus processus, sp. nov. (Fig. 4) It resembles A. calvus in the incolus group. It differs from the latter as follows: mid lobe of mesoscutum only with 1 pair of setae, propodeum relatively longer and strongly salient with more than 3 times as long as metanotum and about 0.6-0.7 length of scutellum, fore wing with a speculum below marginal vein and without seta behind stigmal vein, and marginal fringe about 0.5 times as long as width of the wing. Male unknown. Holotype♀, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 1989-09-30, ex Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti); Paratypes, 1♀, Youxi county, Fujian, 1987-08-19; 1♀, Youxi county, Fujian, 1988-10-15; 1♀, Fuzhou, Fujian, 1987-03.
作者 黄建
出处 《福建农学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第4期391-397,共7页
关键词 蚜小蜂科 短索蚜小蜂属 分类 新种 Aphelinidae Archenomus systematic study
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