黑龙江省富锦国家湿地公园地处黑龙江省东北部富锦市,总面积2 200 hm^2。笔者于2012年6月1~15日对湿地公园夏季鸟类资源多样性进行了调查分析。调查划分7个生境42个监测点,共统计到夏季鸟类15目31科61种5 611只,占湿地公园鸟类种数的34.46%;记录到夏候鸟53种,留鸟8种,包括水鸟36种5 355只。通过对各生境物种多样性指数、均匀性指数和物种丰富度分析认为:多样性指数顺序为林地(3.188148)>芦苇湿地(3.003125)>水域(2.589831)>农田(2.659385)>苔草/小叶章湿地(2.557098)>香蒲湿地(2.431518)>草甸(2.354839)。均匀性指数排序为林地(0.750519)>农田(0.741817)>水域(0.647458)>香蒲湿地(0.607879)>草甸(0.602740)>苔草/小叶章湿地(0.601964)>芦苇(0.600625)。物种丰富度排序为农田(0.196721)>林地(0.1 12426)>草甸(0.075000)>苔草/小叶章湿地(0.039337)>香蒲湿地(0.031558)>芦苇湿地(0.020579)>水域(0.006070)。
Fujin National Wetland Park is located in Fujin City in northeast Heilongjiang Province, China. The total park ar-ea is 2 200 hm2. We carried out field survey on 1 - 15 June 2012 to describe bird diversity in the park in summer. We sur-veyed 7 habitats and 42 points, and reeorded 5 611 summer birds representing 61 species of 15 families and 31 orders, ac-counting for 34.46% of bird species recorded to date in the park. 56 species are summer visitors and 8 species are residents, including 5 355 waterbirds of 36 species. The diversity index ranked by habitat as Woodland 1 3. 188148 ) 〉 Reed area (3.003125) 〉 Water area(2.589831) 〉 Farm land(2.659385) 〉 Sedge marsh(2.557098) 〉 Typha area(2.431518) 〉 Grass area ( 2. 354839 ). The evenness index ranked as: Woodland / 0. 750519 ) 〉 Farm land ( O. 741817 ) 〉 Water area ( 0. 647458 ) 〉 Typha area ( 0. 607879 ) 〉 Grass area ( 0. 602740 ) 〉 Sedge marsh ( 0. 601964 ) 〉 Reed area ( 0. 600625 ). Density (birds/ha) ranked as : Farm land ( 0. 196721 ) 〉 Woodland ( 0. 112426 ) 〉 Grass area ( 0. 075000 ) 〉 Sedge marsh ( O. 039337 ) 〉 Typha area ( 0. 031558 ) 〉 Reed area ( 0. 020579 ) 〉 Water area ( 0. 006070 ).