针对动物在饲养过程中,对大型猛兽难以达到安全有效控制的特点,研制了一套实用型动物多功能通道装置,将其固定安装在动物笼舍出入口,让动物习惯性出入,必要时关闭两端栅门,调整压缩装置,对动物实施安全有效控制。本装置结构简单,使用方便,安全性好,各零部件由组合螺丝连接,可重复拆卸和安装,对大型猛兽体重测量、检查检疫、疾病诊治、串笼运输具有实用可靠的作用。本装置已获国家实用型发明专利,专利号:CN 2012 2 0474789.0。
Considering that large animals are hard to safely and effectively control during feeding, we developed a set of practi- cal animal multi - channel device. The device was installed at/he entrances and exits of cages, and animal grew accustomed to entering and exiting through the device. Both ends of the gate can be shut down if necessary and the compression device can be adjusted to control the animals safely and effectively. This device is simple in structure, easy to use, and secure. The parts are connected by a combination of screws that can he repeatedly removed and re - installed. The device is practical and reliable for weight measurement, inspection and quarantine, disease diagnosis and treatment, and cage transportation of large animals. The device has been awarded the national utility model patents for inventions, patent number : CN 2012 2 0474789. 0.