

Is Panama losing its moxie?
摘要 巴拿马运河是否正在渐渐失去作为美国东海岸进口商从亚洲进口货物的主要航道的地位?在其大型船闸于2015年底对超巴拿马型船开放后,巴拿马运河是否能重新从苏伊士运河航道拿回其失去的市场份额? Shifting production and a new generation of mega-ships may put the Panama Canal at a disadvantage against the Suez route. Opinions are mixed, in large part because it depends on the comparative levels of tolls in effect at that time, but global economic changes are already eating into the Panama Canal's position as a strategic waterway. When the plan for the new third set of locks was introduced in 2004, it seemed certain the Panama Canal Authority's $5.25 billion expansion project would give it a lock on the growth in all-water trade from Asia to U.S. East Coast ports. The opening of the new locks to commercial traffic will be pushed from mid-2015 until the fourth quarter of 2015. Whatever the result, Panama will not have wasted its huge investment because the expansion is attracting new private investment in ocean terminals, logistics centers and regional business headquarters.The development of port infrastructure in Southeast Asia is attracting direct calls by large post-Panamax ships. No one should count China out. It will remain an important source for U.S. manufactured imports because of its modern port infrastructure and efficient logistics, but rising wage costs are driving the growth of near-sourcing to Mexico. Although spot rates on the two routes are set by the market, lower slot costs on the Suez route enable carriers to offer much more favorable annual contract rates, which are likely to come into play in next year's trans-Pacific contracts.
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2013年第12期58-59,11,共2页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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